* Recommended for ages 18 months thru adult.
* The Headpod gives a child the opportunity to move their head within their plane of strength and on towards the goal of independent head control.
* It provides a child with a "real world" upright visual field.
* For many children, Headpod will reduce the hyperextension of a child's arms which is often seen as a child attempts to raise their head intermittently without adequate head control.
* It can be used during feeding
* It can be an aide to reduce fatique, as the child no longer struggles to hold their head upright during the day
* The Headpod fastens easily to a variety of headrest systems on a child's stroller, wheelchair or stander
* Not for use in auto or bus transport.
The standard kit contains the main components with which to use Headpod in about 90% of the situations